Friday, November 10, 2006


Look at that^

I stole a bunch of stuff from Corky...

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: Philadelphia

Your accent is as Philadelphian as a cheesesteak! If you're not from Philadelphia, then you're from someplace near there like south Jersey, Baltimore, or Wilmington. if you've ever journeyed to some far off place where people don't know that Philly has an accent, someone may have thought you talked a little weird even though they didn't have a clue what accent it was they heard.

The Midland

The Northeast

The South


The Inland North

North Central

The West

What American accent do you have?
Take More Quizzes

Someone knocks on your door at 2am, who do you want it to be?


Your boss tells you he/she will give you a $20 raise if you'll do your job naked. Do you stay and take the raise?

No, that would be weird.

Put yourself in a nutshell.

I like walnuts. (the shells)

Ever see a ghost?


Happy with your body?

Yeah, actually. I would like to be in better shape, but I look pretty decent.

A reason to move to Iceland.

It's supposedly really clean, and they have good healthcare.

A place you've lived that you miss.

I've lived here my whole life, and would miss this house, but I don't think I'd miss this city.

A job you'd never do, no matter how much you were paid.

Anything with meat or trash or cubes.

A band/group you thought was cool when you were 13.

The Beatles. (they still are)

You have a nightmare, who's the first person you think to call?


Wanna have kids before you're 30?

Not particularly.

A memory from high school.

It sucked.

Ever had a crush on a friend's parent?


Do you look more like your mom or dad?

Everybody says my dad.

Something you've always wanted to learn to do.

Bookbinding(I know a teensy bit) or playing the guitar really well.

How you'd like your life to be in 10 years.

I'd like to be married. With a college degree and a nice job. And not live here.

Something you learned this year.

I just learned yesterday that Treebeard (the Ent) has seven toes. For some reason I find that fascinating.

What do you want for your birthday?

I dunno. Christmas is first.

Name 4 things you did yesterday.

1. Worked
2. Sewed
3. Watched Gilmore Girls
4. Watched A Cinderella Story

Last item you bought yourself?

Lunch today. At Christopher's.

What did you have for breakfast?

I didn't have breakfast.

Name a celeb you crush on.


Name the last 3 songs you heard.

In order of most recent to the latest:
1. City of Blinding Lights by U2
2. Right Where You Want Me by Jesse McCartney
3. Let the Rain Fall Down by Hilary Duff

How many hours of sleep do you get each night?


What do you wish you were doing right now?

Cuddling with Brendan.

Who's the first person in your phone book on your cell?

The Chiropractor's office. (they're in alphabetical order)

Last time you witnessed a fight?

Physical fight? No clue. Verbal? Last Saturday.

Name 3 places you'd like to travel to.

1. Europe
2. Arizona/New Mexico
3. Mountains. Somewhere. Or maybe Alaska.

Do you know how to ice skate?


Name something you like that's out of the ordinary.

I dunno.

Is bigger really better?

Books(like hardback, not length) - no. Cars - no. Chocolate - yes. Car engine - yes. Planes - yes. House - yes. Bridge - yes. Name - maybe. Chair - yes. This is actually a very complicated question.

What do you think of Brad Pitt?

He's semi-hott in certain movies.

What color are your toenails.

My two big toes have a teensy bit of black left on them from this summer.

Do you own anything with a skull on it?

Yes - fabric.

Traveled to Europe?


Last movie you watched?

A Cinderella Story

Where were you when you had your first kiss?

The back seat of a car.

Last board game you played?


Leather or lace?

A little of both.

Ever had a black eye?


Have you ever worn fishnet stockings?


Monday, September 04, 2006

i have taken control of the camera

Well, I technically needed it for a photography class I'm taking for school, but I finally got the camera from my mom. I think I'm going to eventually just buy my own. I took some cool pictures while Brendan was here this weekend. Here are the best ones(in my opinion) that I took.

Wild flower on the walk.........

Fountain at the edge of the woods.......

The sky was beautiful that day! It was right after the hurricane came through.

Looking up at the sky through the trees...

Now, back to work. :-D

Sunday, August 06, 2006

projects(no pictures, sorry)

I counted yesterday. 8 projects. I've got a Baltimore Album, two star quilts(six pointed stars, hand pieced using diamonds), two landscapes, a village quilt, my monkey quilt and a halloween quilt that I'm working on. I've also got two dolls in my head, and still want to start another star quilt and the applique North Pole quilt. I think I'm going to do the two dolls next, I'm really excited about them. I also bought fabric yesterday to make a new purse. I need one that can hold all of my assorted books, notebooks, pens, and waterbottles. I'm thinking something along the lines of a messenger bag. I bought blue, green, and yellow solids for it. I think I'm going to embroider a few monkees on it. Hopefully we should be getting the new Felicity Miller fabric collection in soon, and I can't wait to work with it. It's a very cute line of kid's fabrics. We're also expecting Nature's Palette by Avlyn, which I think would be great for clothes. And other stuff, I'm not sure what though. I've also been looking forward to Belle by Amy Butler and Fleurish by Valori Wells. I think it would be cool to make a skirt out of some of either collection. Maybe one of the bohemian-ish skirts by Cindy Taylor Oates. There are so many things I want to do. I also have to figure out what I'm doing about college. I think I'm going to apply to more schools, but probably still go to VCU. I'm not sure what to major in, though. I'm not sure whether I want to go in January or next fall. I have to decide pretty soon. I also have to get my driver's license and finish high school. I just want to sew. I wish I was more productive.

[[pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name............]]

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Well, I'm almost done my monkey quilt. I did it using Funky Monkey by Moda and the Contra Dance Pattern. I've still got to put on the two borders. It's going to be so cute! And I'll finally have a quilt I made for myself!!
I'm also about to start a North Pole Quilt. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it when I'm done, but I think it will be cute.
I also need to make Grammy a birthday present before I next see her(her birthday was in the beginning of May).
I'm also in the process of starting a Big Bang Quilt. It's going to be a gift for someone. I'm going to do it in blues, purples, greens and black. I'm going to hand piece and hand quilt it, so I fully expect it to take a couple of years(which is fine). I haven't sewn with diamonds before, so I'm going to do a text project(probably wall hanging size) out of Christmas prints.
I'm in the beginning stages(my first block) of a traditional style Baltimore Album quilt. If you know me well, you'll be thinking WTF? It's going to be a wedding gift. I've narrowed it down to two people I'd like to give it to, and hopefully they'll marry each other, so then I won't have to decide who gets it.
All of my jewelry supplies is packed unfortunately, but I just got some beads in the mail yesterday that I can't wait to use! I bought them at Fetopia! So I'm going to have to start opening boxes soon, or risk going crazy.
I've started this art project - I'm doing a small doodle, poem, drawing or something every day in this little book I got on sale at Barnes & Noble. So far I'm doing pretty well!

I"m starting to prepare myself for Brendan, Evan and Selina leaving. They all leave the same day. It sucks. I'm totally not ready for this.

[[[And I miss you when you're not around
I'm getting ready to leave the ground

Oh you look so beautiful tonight...]]]

Saturday, June 24, 2006

don't stop me now.....

[[[I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go go go there's no stopping me
I'm burning through the sky yeah
Two hundred degrees that's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit
I'm travelling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you]]]

That song always makes me vaguely sad. They played it in Love Actually during a funeral scene, so I think that's why. It always reminds me of how fragile life is. But I really do love it.........

I went to Barne's and Noble and bought the newest issue of Somerset Studio. I'm reading it very slowly, savoring it. I also bought a small guide to flowers that cost me 4 bucks. I'm going to use that for an art project. Unfortunately they didn't have a copy of my friend Margaret's new book Duchess of Aquitaine.

I also found this really cool website: fetopia. They make these really cute beads that are shapped like fetuses, sorta, but with their own little personalities. They're made out of clay. They're so cute!!!!!!

We got Karen Eckmeier to come teach 3 classes at the shop. Before they were announced to the general public, they were already full. Now we're considering adding more dates on. I'm in her happy villages workshop! It's the one that was on the cover of the most recent Quilting Arts magazine.

According to the World Health Organization, there are approzimately 100 million acts of sexual intercourse everyday. Interesting, eh?

So now I'm sitting here listening to music (currently Coconut by Harry Nilsson) and listening to it thunder on and off.............

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


are my expectations of people rediculously high? i mean, i know that i set my standards high, but are they rediculous. especially at work. i figure, if i can work an eight or ten hour day, do $1000 dollars in business, and still get everything on the list done, why can't everyone else? is it because i don't want my mom to have to do it? is it because i really don't like people (nothing personal to anyone) and will sit back at the desk and do everything?!?!?!? do i have more energy than everyone else. or is it not rediculous to expect that when someone works a 4 hour shift, and i work 8 hours or more, that they can keep up with me for those four hours? this isn't directed at anyone. i love all of my co-workers, but do i expect rediculous feats from them???

You're crazy b****]]]]

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

ahhhh, well

That New Year's resolution didn't go to well. I think this is going to be my everything blog now. There's not to much art getting done right now. We are trying to move, so most of my wire, beads, fabric, etc are packed(so I'm just buying more). Tonight I had a quilt guild meeting, so I came with one of these to play with. I just doodled a little sun on the front so far.
Today I went shopping! I got this really cool hand cuff bracelet. I bought it to use for artwork, but unfortunately I actually liked it for myself. I also bought a happy bunny t-shirt. It says "I hate everything" on it. It was so me and on sale, so I thought it would be cool.
Yesterday was graduation!!!! Selina graduated with honors. She was in the Beta club, the Math Honors Society(?), and graduated International Baccalaureate with honors. Pretty smart eh? She's going to UVA next year, thank heaven, because I don't know what I'd do with her farther away then that. Christine graduated with honors, and International Baccalaureate. She was in the Beta Club, Math Honors Society, and the Spanish Honors Society. Oh yeah, and she was in Model UN. I hope I got that right. She's going to Princeton!

Here's a picture of (l-r): Evan(Selina's boyfriend), Sarah(Selina's cousin), Selina, and me!

And Selina, Me, and Christine!

Once I get the pictures of Selina, Sarah and I in the convertable, I will post those too.

Unfortunately I'm having serious issues lately. I'm mad at everybody. There was one person tonight that I really wanted to kill. That and someone who was in class on Sunday that made me cry. Urgh............I hate people.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


One of my New Year's resolutions was to try and update this thing more. The real resolution was to keep doing it, once I started up again. Well, that's what I'm trying to do. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures here of all my latest work, but hopefully it will be up soon. First, I've got to draw a crowd. Sorry, but I've already seen my artwork, so I want someone else too.
For now, here's a picture of the cute niece:

Alyssa and Daddy(my brother Ricky)

Off to babysit.....