Thursday, May 12, 2005

Prom Dress and Kansas City

I've started the beading on my prom dress. I've got one week to finish. Here's a picture of what I've done so far:

I'm using size eleven sead beads.

Heres a picture of most of the top to give you an idea of how little I truly have done:

Here's the whole dress and me wearing it:

We are going to be doing a few more things to it. We are taking the straps off. It still needs a waistband and needs to be hemmed. It's got that funky gap-under-the-arms thing from the boning, so we are going to Penny's house tonight to fix that. I have also gotten a haircut since that picture was taken. There is really more yellow at the top of the skirt than this picture shows.
It's made with hand dyed silk organza and black silk dupioni.

Here's one of the pictures of the sunset that I took in Kansas City from our hotel room window:


Joyce said...


Anonymous said...

Looks coolo...

Anonymous said...

your dress is a knockout!